
Online Exams

Why ExamPro?

We have designed ExamPro to simplify some of the laborious and redundant tasks of conducting exams to save you more time and effort in doing things that truly matters to you.

Quickly create exams with our easy to use Exam Builder. Generate online exam with just few clicks.

Generate exam with unique questions every-time. Just define certain parameters and leave rest to the system.

Leave laborious task of evaluation to system and instantly generate results for your students once the exam is done.

Keep all your questions organized by subjects, tags, difficulty levels in one place for easy access.

With ExamPro you can take exam on EduCoach android app or on any internet connected PC/ Laptop.

Whether you want to conduct exam on a particular time or on period of days, our flexible system can handle it all.

How does it work?

Step 1

Create Question Bank

Keep all your questions organized by subjects, tags, difficulty levels in one place.

Step 2

Define Parameters

Just define the parameters based on which the system should create a unique exam.

Step 3

Schedule Exam

Specify exam schedule and exam duration. Exam will become active at that time.

Trusted by Leading Institutes

We are proud to be a technology partner of some of the leading coaching institutes.


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